1km global historical (1979–2013) and future (2020–2100)

Köppen–Geiger climate classification maps and bioclimatic variables
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Köppen–Geiger climate classification

Accelerated anthropogenic global warming since the 1980s has caused large-scale redistributions of climate zones (Cui et al., 2021).

The Köppen–Geiger classification scheme provides an effective and ecologically meaningful way to characterize climatic conditions and has been widely applied in climate change studies. Redistributions of climate zones have been observed and projected in the last two centuries.

KGClim is a new 1-km global dataset of Köppen–Geiger climate classification maps and bioclimatic variables for six historical periods in 1979–2013 and four future periods in 2020–2099 under RCP2.6, 4.5, 6.0, and 8.5. The historical maps are derived from multiple downscaled observational datasets, and the future maps are derived from an ensemble of bias-corrected downscaled CMIP5 projections.

Please find the detailed methodology description in the following paper:

Cui, D., Liang, S., Wang, D. & Liu, Zheng. (2021). A 1-km global dataset of historical (1979-2013) and future (2020-2100) Köppen-Geiger climate classification and bioclimatic variables. Earth System Science Data. https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-2021-186.


Higher accuracy than other Köppen climate map products

Change detection

Detect recent and future projected changes in climate zones


Detailed depictions of topographic features


Good correspondence with boreal forest distributions.

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